About the Cluster

The Cluster represent the public-private partnership structure which works in order to increase economic, cultural and social development of Cultural and Creative Industries.

The Cluster collaborate with Cultural and Creative Industries, and through their work, it contributes to the development of the different production chain, therefore to the growth and progression of whole Region area.

The Cluster is a network which includes all the entreprises, companies, associations, experts, public and private institutions, cooperatives, research centers, area of competences, universities, etc. which constitue the production chain of I.C.C. in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.


Cultural and Creative Industries

The crucial role of Cultural and Creative Industries asserts themselves increasingly and their crucial role makes them capable of competing at global level.

Also the European Commission has regarded with attention to this trend and it has established specific lines guide for action and support them, in order to facilitate those innovative and tecnological processes (creativity, design, new models for business and organization, etc..), which are capable to offer prospects of smart specialization to the traditional industries. 

Friuli-Venezia Giulia can lean on the set of khowledge and know-how which is the heart of excellences that have tipified and now distinguish its territory relatively at the artistic field, including cinema, literary arts, visual arts, music, performing arts and design. 

Through the combination of these areas with horizontal tecnology, as ICT, IoT, Nanotech, Biotech, it is possibile both to activate innovative processes and supporting the competitiveness of regional economy. 

This direction is to follow-up other projects already implemented on the territory, and that deemed Friuli – Venezia Giulia among the realities of high Creative Industries density. These are flanked by the expertises for cultural heritage and the awareness of the tecnology of culture: the cultural heritage of Friuli – Venezia Giulia must be safeguarded, preserved and promoted, thereby making it as a more crucial asset for the economic growth of the tourism sector, and also for the entire Region.  

The insistence of a wisdom – in a border territory – whether it be tecnological or not, about the restoration and the preservation of cultural, architectural and archeological heritage, represents one of the regional and national excellence traditionally recognized all over the world.  

The network path of specialization will move forward a double direction:  

  • materialize both the know-how and tecnology for restoration and preservation of cultural objects and monuments, into products and services;  
  • develop technologies, processes, products and services for an advanced fruition of artistic, achitectural, archeological and cultural regional heritage.