ArtistiAssociati, founded in 1987 in Gorizia and directed by Walter Mramor, is a structure that operates in the live show sector, recognized since 1989 by the Ministry of Culture as a Theatrical Production Company and financed by the FVG Region.

Its activity is divided into four segments:

1. production of theatrical performances;

2. programming of theatrical Seasons and local projects;

3. promotion and dissemination of the culture of dance;

4. educational programs and initiatives for young people;

1. Contemporary dramaturgy is the core of the production activity. A long collaboration with Gianrico Tedeschi has seen the great actor as leading role in numerous projects (Le ultime lune by F. Bordon, Minetti, ritratto di un artista da vecchio by T. Bernhard, Smemorando – La ballata del tempo ritrovato by Tedeschi himself …), Milva dominated the scene in La variante di Lüneburg – Fabula in musica by P.Maurensig, the comic duo Zuzzurro & Gaspare were the protagonists of La cena dei cretini by F. Veber, Tutto Shakespeare in 90 minuti by Long, Singer and Winfield, directed by Alessandro Benvenuti. Among the most recent projects there are Figli di un Dio minore by M. Medoff with Giorgio Lupano and Rita Mazza, Nudi e crudi by A. Bennett with Maria Amelia Monti and Paolo Calabresi, directed by Serena Sinigaglia, Mariti e mogli by Woody Allen adapted by Monica Guerritore with a cast of eight actors including Guerritore herself, Viktor und Viktoria by Giovanna Gra with Veronica Pivetti, Scusa sono in riunione, ti posso richiamare? comedy written and directed by Gabriele Pignotta starring Vanessa Incontrada.

2. In Cormòns and Gradisca d’Isonzo (in the province of Gorizia), the company creates a rich theater season on behalf of each Municipal Administration (prose, dance, music, theater workshops, dance lessons and collateral initiatives). Since 2011, in synergy with other entrepreneurs, the company has managed the Teatro Duse in Bologna.

Since 2018, the company has been managing in the Gorizia area the residencies project ARTEFICI.ResidenzeCreativeFVG.

3. Since 2006 the Cooperative has been involved in the promotion of dance in the region, proposing the creations of the best Italian and international companies in collaboration with Ente Regionale Teatrale. In 2020, taking advantage of the positive experience of the organization of NID Platform 2017 (the Italian dance platform), ArtistiAssociati created Visavì Gorizia Dance Festival, the first cross-border contemporary dance festival in Gorizia and Nova Gorica (

4. The educational sector includes activities involving children and young people of all ages, that take place in the theaters, in schools and in places of particular historical and artistic interest.