Centro Teatro Animazione e Figure

Since 1994, the CTA carries out an intense activity of promoting and disseminating the “Figure Theatre” through the production of shows and the organization of festivals, exhibitions, workshops and events.

He is a founder member of the Associazione dei Teatri di Figura (Association of Figure Theaters) / AGIS ATF and is recognized by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities as a National Figure Theatre.

Among the main initiatives it organizes and promotes the Alpe Adria Puppet Festival – the International Figure Theatre festival which takes place in Gorizia, Grado, Nova Gorica between the end of August and the beginning of September;  a series of theatre shows for families and children Pomeriggi d’inverno; Festival delle Valli del Natisone | Festival v Nadiških Dolinah an international theatre figure show that involving the municipalities of the Natisone Valleys; some special projects such as Becket&Puppet, Puppet&Music, Gorizia nascosta and the european project Puppet&Design.

Every production of CTA could be considered like a “search path” on relation between actor, figure, music and word that strives towards to realise a dramaturgy in wich all linguages used would have the same communication potential.

At the same time the CTA pursues the goal to identify fresh approaches and new intervention methods on the territory through innovative and experimental productive paths, opening by this way a reflection on the “to produce today” sense, on the audience’s fruition types and on organizational methods.

Puppet&Design is a project financed from Creative Europe

Together with Lutkovno Gledališče Ljubljana, Studio Damúza and IED Madrid – European Institute of Design, the CTA in Gorizia (lead partner) will talk about relationships, connections and links that can be created between the world of figure theatre and the world of everyday objects, artifacts and design objects.

During the three-years period 2020-2022, the project will develop between Italy, Slovenia, Spain and the Czech Republic through various actions, including:

  • Creative residencies, during which different actors, designers and directors, from different backgrounds participate giving their contribution to the realization of a theatrical show.

The creative residencies of CTA propose to develop the theatrical potential of Circus. This is the collection of the Alessi’s catalogue designed by Marcel Wanders. The first results of the work of Michele Sambin, Alessandro Martinello and Pablo Mesa Capella are visible at this link https://vimeo.com/480703920

  • Workshops involving operators and students in order to share innovative ideas and develop the creation of original objects and productions
  • Three sections of an international festival, in Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, dedicated to the “Object Theatre”.

Among the various long-term objectives:

  • Encourage the exchange of experiences and the development of innovative productions between partners from different countries.
  • Create the opportunity for new cultural business models, suggesting to the new generations of designers the creation of everyday objects that can become theatrical figures.
  • The creation of a stable relationship between theatre, school, productive and research sectors related to the world of design, focusing on the cultural and professional growth of the subjects involved (scholars, experts, operators, teachers, students, designers) able to open up, in an organic way, new job and business opportunities from an artistic and productive point of view.