I am a professional video journalist with an audiovisual production studio, with the possibility of making live streaming, drone shooting and duplication on DVD media.

Pordenone, based at the Centro Casa A. Zanussi in Pordenone. I have been collaborating for more than 20 years with schools in our region and in Veneto, conducting audiovisual workshops, which aim to bring pupils closer to digital and audiovisual technologies, including smartphones. In 2020,

I entered the MIUR (Ministry of Education) -MiBAC (Ministry of Culture) national list as a ‘Visual Education Operator at School’ and last year I coordinated a project financed by the two ministries through the Centro Iniziative Culturali of Pordenone. I collaborated with the RAI editorial offices of Report (RAITRE) and Superquark (RAIUNO), independently producing and authoring documentaries and reports broadcasted nationwide. In 2023, the regional RAI of Friuli Venezia Giulia in its Sunday programming aired my documentary on Istrian exiles entitled ‘Ricominciare da capo’, lasting 1 hour, made on behalf of the municipality of Montereale Valcellina (PN).

I offer myself to the Friuli Venezia Giulia region to document and narrate projects of a cultural and educational nature, also carried out together with schools in our region of all levels.